Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Where There's Smoke

I am developing an interest in learning more about the basics of fire investigations.

Normally, my role in an insurance investigation into a claim arising from a fire is merely that of liaising with the Fire Service and Police (where necessary) and a Cause and Origin expert if one is called in.

I do not investigate the actual fire, per se, rather the factors that have contributed towards the event and whether there is any liability resting on the insured, or the occupant. 

However, I've picked up a few tips from Pedro and others over time so am not completely clueless when looking at the burnt-out remains of a house or vehicle.

I just would like to know more.

So, if there are any of you out there that also are involved in fire investigations, I would appreciate any recommendations in regards to books you may have read or have in your collections.

I've had a quick look on amazon.com and note that there are a number of recent(ish) titles:

Now, there are older titles as well and I'm not ruling those out. I would like to hear if anyone out there has read any of the above and their thoughts, or whether there are other texts I should consider?

Your assistance would be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Just had a recommendation from a Cause & Origin expert that the Kirk's text is the one to get.
