Friday, June 07, 2013

Is 'Gang Stalking' a real phenomenon?

Glad I could clear that up.

Of course,  you might be one of those people shaking their heads thinking I must be one of 'them' - one of the Covert Human Intelligence Sources that The Powers That Be utilise in running covert operations against the Targeted Individual (TI), 24/7, for years on end if not indefinitely.

I wish.

So, what is this Gang Stalking all about then? Take the red pill and find out...

...and that's pretty much the problem right there. People off their meds, living in an exotic and intricate delusional fantasy where everyone around them is in on the conspiracy. Literally everyone (can't stress that enough).

If you were to check on YouTube for 'gang stalking' you would certainly find a plethora of videos to watch on the subject.

Here are a couple to get you started.

There are others, many MANY others, and they all share common elements (although there will be some variations as to who The Powers That Be are). However, the one thing that none can really explain adequately is why?

Specifically, why them?

Why all the lengths the Gang Stalkers supposedly go through?

If you look at the videos posted by these Targeted Individuals, particularly those detailing the stalking, you will soon see there is in fact nothing untoward happening and the only odd behaviour exhibited is that of the TI themselves.

Now, as it happens, I have been approached by people who believe they are TIs. They've come to me seeking answers as to who is behind whatever malign activites afflict them and I, ever the diplomat, have suggested that perhaps I am not the right person to be speaking with. 

I've pointed out that to mount an ongoing surveillance operation is a time-consuming exercise involving a number of people and vehicles. I mean, just take the job that fell through a few weeks ago as an example. 240 man-hours for a team of 3 over five days - and not even blanket coverage at that.

And here are these TIs claiming that they have been harassed by some organised group day after day, year after year.

Imagine the bill for all that surveillance...

And it's not like these TIs are people engaged in anything remotely interesting or otherwise considered a plausible subject for surveillance.

They are not ex-MI5 agents or anything remotely similar.

Nope, they seem to be unemployed, retired, suburban single mothers and the like.

In other words, mundane.

Oh, and I guess there's something else. When they speak, they all sound batshit crazy.

Yes, sorry if I don't sound sympathetic to them but the reality is that they are indeed out of their minds. I know this because I have been accused of having being 'gotten to' and also as being one of 'them' - those Covert Human Intelligence Sources making the TI's life hell.

Quite frankly, I wish I were.

I'm sure the paychecks would be both frequent and commensurable for the work undertaken.

So, to The Powers That Be, call me, okay? Fred Otash might have drawn the line at working for Communists and murder but I like to think of myself as flexible and responsive to my Client's needs.*

* That is not a solicitation for murder-for-hire. And if it were it would definitely be money-up-front, you know what I'm saying? But I'm not saying anything, right? Email me for my Swiss Bank Account details. For that 'love gift' you want to send me.


  1. This site built-in and to fight against a \"new\" form of international terrorism (organized crime-screening process) crapulous covered, mortal, fascist and neo-nazis.The developers-corporatists (version and local scripts), servers. Weapons and organizers are hosted in Wallonia (Belgium). There are no / very few references in the official press, moreover ABSENT (if not, outside primary subjects), because these perpetrators,their crimes and murders are hidden of network communications at all levels, isolated by process caused and therefore controlled by the instigators wildly connected in the transmission/reception flow (to a fusion device) and to the flow of the press. (NetOps, PsyOps). Effects are devastating and overall distruptifs. Could you encourage Belgium to give me the means for the emergencie. So far the police put me in a miserable situation protecting criminals participating in crimes. All my things were destroyed and perpetrators are destroying my family, I have no more money. I gave the assassins almost two years to the cops of Ciney who blocked me. My means of communication are always taken. The evidence was rejected and others are hidden. Damages are irreversibles with worldwide impacts.


    Can you read,link ? and pass ...
    these sites built-in and to fight against a "new" form of
    international terrorism (organized crime - screening process) crapulous
    covered, mortal, fascist and neo-nazis.
    The developers-corporatists (version and local scripts), servers,
    weapons and organizers are hosted in Wallonia (Belgium).


    There are no / very few references in the official press, moreover
    ABSENT (if not, outside primary subjects), because these perpetrators
    their crimes and murders are hidden of network communications at
    all levels, isolated by process caused and therefore controlled by the
    instigators wildly connected in the transmission/reception flow
    and to the flow of the press. (NetOps, PsyOps).

    Their SIGINT in the low frequencies is infused throughout the network and also outside.
    Everything going on the same frequencies and is Like this, they pierce networks,
    draw a map and geo-referencing relative at the place where the criminals and controls.

    Effects are devastating and overall distruptifs

    Could you encourage Belgium to give me the means for the emergencie.
    So far the police put me in a miserable situation protecting criminals, participating in crimes (false flag operations).
    All my things were destroyed and perpetrators are destroying my family, I have no more money
    I gave the assassins almost two years to the cops of Ciney who blocked me.
    My means of communication are always taken.
    The evidence was rejected and others are hidden.
    Damages are irreversibles with worldwide impacts.


    Benjamin Simon

    1. Oh dear,

      I was going to remove this as spam but decided it is kind of fitting in regard to the subject at hand.

      Benjamin, did you even read my post? I'm guessing probably not.

  2. Dear World-Weary PI,

    It sounds as if you:

    a) are ex-military;
    b) are ex-law enforcement;
    c) are short-minded;
    d) are part of the problem;
    e) all of the above.

    Yet, another cog of the Police State.

    ****Someone with more experience, more insight, a broader view and not morally corrupt, disagrees with you:


    "Based on my investigative work...I have come to the conclusion that
    thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue
    criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day in the U.S. This
    conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private
    enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain. These operations
    require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This
    program's operations are financed by illegal black operations, i.e.,
    narcotics, prostitution...

    I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24
    hours a day and 7 days a week, there is a Central Command...whose
    administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and
    harassment against anyone in the any time, day or night. I
    have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal
    government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of
    Americans. This makes the FBI's former COINTELPRO program, which I
    worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday
    school program by comparison."

    - former FBI Assistant Director, Ted L. Gunderson, in an affidavit
    in support of F.O.I.A. plaintiff's case in Labella v. FBI, et. al.,
    2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 37830 (E.D.N.Y. Mar.19, 2012)(Garaufis,J.)

    1. Ted Gunderson believed in a lot of crap. Doesn't make any of his paranoid fantasies a reality.

    2. It's answer D. Definitely D.
      You're simply "part of the problem".

    3. Even FBI's own newsletter boasts of its ability to look and listen into suspect's apartments (see Targeted: FBI Harassment Continuing... In addition, the NYT published an article warning that OPEN RESOLVERS in cable boxes could be invitations to hackers to enter into one's home via the cable box and engage in other crimes through TRIPLE PLAY - a package offered by most cable companies. The technologies - when one takes an in-depth look at them - are not all that complicated, so why is it deemed far-fetched that people would be saying such things? I think the opposite. If an individual is blind to the capacity to amass for a reasonable wage persons who have minimal hacking skills, then the devices themselves - what they do via VoIP (voice-over protocol) and "pulses" that can be produced utilizing these types of surveillance tools ought to be looked at from the technological point of view as easy to carry out for political purposes. And it is not as though COINTELPRO did not exist. In fact, historically, if Hitler had these technologies (and Nazi's used a form of gangstalking back then - on foot without technology), he would have used them. So to dismiss it outright is just as much "a problem" as it might be to extend the idea of these technological uses as totally pathological. The facts and evidence are powerful supporters to the complaints of these people, and in my opinion (if I were to play the devil's advocate), it ought to alert the FBI and government officials that OVERUSE of these tools EXPOSES the government to distrust and WOULD create the kind of complaints we are hearing. DON'T LEAVE THE RESOLVERS OPEN FBI OR LOCAL POLICE! DON'T DO IT!

    4. Wish I could have edited my own comment but what I am trying to say is that the ease to produce the phenomena these purported "delusional" people are talking about is so easy - so the only question remains is: Is human nature capable of spying on others and harassing others as a group? History supports - in many instances - that groups have done this.

  3. The creator of this website is a licensed private investigator - just like I'm a U.S. Senator. You can tell we're both being honest because we're choosing to remain anonymous.

    1. Good Point.

    2. Heh.

      Well, I choose to remain anonymous for the very simple reason that the clients I get might dwindle significantly if they knew I blogged about them - even if I change all names etc.

      Sometimes you can be *more* honest when you aren't risking your livelihood.

    3. Why are you blogging about your clients in the first place?
      Isn't there something in that PI handbook of yours about privacy?

      Oh. Yes. "Loopholes". ;)

  4. Hey!!......Private Dick,

    You gettin' any of this?

    1. Apologies for not satisfying your need for instantaneous gratification.

      I was returning from an out-of-town trip.

    2. Returning from some clandestine NSA oversight committee on neighborhood watch?

      Just how much funding has been funneled down to you by the feds for your nefarious work?

      And, don't make some snarky comment. You know damn well this is going on.

    3. Another year of this and I'll be able to retire to a beachfront property on that particularly mysterious island.

      Be seeing you.

  5. My theory is that there are three types of TIs;

    - fake ones pushing the gangstalking belief system to con people for various reasons,

    - genuinely mentally disturbed people,

    - victims of NSA, GCHQ, police harassment who are usually activists, Muslims and antiwar campaigners.

    It turns out that there are 4000 Muslims and more than 7000 activists in the UK under surveillance by the state.

    No doubt if I was part of the surveillance state infrastructure, I would do my utmost to discredit subjects of state surveillance by peddling gangstalking myths.

    1. Now this is something we can agree on.

      However, in the matter of the last category, the surveillance operatives are not going to be driving around in vehicles with only one light, or all dressed in some manner of red clothing, or all shaved heads on the bus or exhibiting whatever other whacky behaviour so-called TIs purport their 'stalkers' to be doing.

  6. Most Organized Stalking / Gang Stalking Groups are run by Private Investigators who were former FBI/CIA agents /Policemen..............Dr John Hall.
    Please see Dr John Hall's Videos Play list(25 Videos)on my YouTube Chanel : OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity

    1. Yeah, because governments (or whomever) have unlimited budgets to conduct large-scale 24-hour intrusive surveillance on legions of unemployed, borderline psychotic, paranoid delusionals.


    2. Because....?

      You haven't answered the question.
