As a general rule, I don't, but for just a moment thought I was having one.
Of course, I was wrong.
It all started out promisingly enough. I had just interviewed the claimants in an insurance investigation regarding their stolen (and subsequently recovered) vehicle. I had conducted some area enquiries and found an informant who fingered his neighbour as the culprit.
"I don't want to be a nark but he came over about a month ago boasting how he'd done it."
Well, that's a good result! However, there are some questions regarding the reliability and motivation of the informant as other neighbours have pointed the finger directly at him as being a bit of a bad egg responsible for his fair share of grief in the area.
Then I went for a long drive in the country where I conducted some tracing enquiries regarding a Person of Interest (he no longer resided in this small rural town but his former landlord provided a lead as to his current whereabouts) before travelling to another rural location to serve a set of documents.
Then I returned to Bad City and serving two more sets of documents before calling it quits for the day feeling very self-satisfied too, I might add.
Until the next day when I discovered that the set of documents I had served out of town had some particular instructions I had overlooked: must be served between 0900-1700hrs, Monday to Friday.
Certainly not 1600hrs on a Saturday afternoon.
So now I have to travel back to this location, uplift the documents from the person I served them on and hand them straight back - by 1700hrs today (as the documents expire today). At my expense.
Okay, it was still a good day but that one little thing spoiled it!
Must. Read. Instructions.
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