Sunday, October 18, 2015

PI Toolbox: Screencasting Tools

Hello again, Dear Reader. This isn't something I've really needed in the past but a screencasting tool might be useful in the future when needing to preserve online social media evidence or the like.

I've just had a preliminary play with Atomi's ActivePresenter Free Edition (for personal and non-commercial use) and it looks like a fairly simple to use, yet feature-packed, program. 

The Standard Edition is priced at US$199 and the Professional Edition at $299. Both come with further features and export format options.

Whether or not the price point justifies the purchase is open to debate, given the frequency of use you might likely employ screencasting in investigations. Personally, I can't see a great and pressing need for this myself - I'm happy enough with just taking screen grabs - but it might be something you might find useful.

If you have any other recommendations (or gripes), feel free to chime in below.

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