Thursday, January 15, 2015

Where are they now? Matt 'of the House of' Thompson

Artist's Depiction
Well, Dear Reader, I bet that you thought you'd have heard the last regarding FOTLer Matt 'of the House of' Thompson - as did I - but it appears we were both wrong.

He has recently made the pages of our Daily Rag - the Court section no less.

Oh dear.

Could we really have expected anything less from Matt, though?

So what back-country shennanigans has he been up to now?

Well, it appears he was arrested after trespassing at a local welfare office. In Court, he refused to enter a plea or answer to his name, stating that he had given his identity away and wished not to have anything to do with the country.

Thompson refused to stop talking or co-operate with the Court so a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf and he was remanded on bail by the Judge. However, as Thompson was led out of the dock, he refused to sign his bail papers so was placed back in Police custody all the while crying "why are you treating me like a criminal?"

Why, indeed, Matt? Why, indeed?

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