Saturday, September 20, 2014

Deperately Seeking Albert

Oh no, Dear Reader. It seems that Albert (not his real name) has missed a very important date at Court and a Warrant has been issued for his arrest.

When the Bailiff and Police attended Albert's last known address, one I had originally provided, he had already hastily departed so, once again, I am instructed to locate his current whereabouts.

While I can, and often do, perform miracles, it isn't always easy - particular with one arm tied behind my back.

It is slightly incongruous that while I am to seek an address so that it can be provided to the Authorities to effect the Warrant, they won't provide any information to me in regards to any recent leads or the results of their own enquiries.

That fact aside, I've already conducted some of my own enquiries to several addresses found in database checks. Sadly, I've located his most recent address which he vacated three months ago when the property was sold. His mail is still being delivered to that address and the occupants stated that I have not been the only person knocking on their door seeking Albert.

I have a feeling that the Police are seeking him on other matters.

Anyway, I've found Albert's brother who professes not to know of his current whereabours but did provide a cell phone number. He also stated that Albert is working as a roofing labourer but does not know which particular company.

There are 73 listings in the Yellow Pages directory, so not going to ring them all. Well, not at this stage anyway.

I told Albert's brother that I was hoping to find him and speak with him so that there would be no need for any arrest. I guess that's kind of true, and I certainly hope that he believed me. He said he would contact Albert and try to get him to talk to me.

However, I'm not counting on that working out so have made a few other enquiries.

Seems Albert is an MMA fighter with one win under his belt. And now I know which kickboxing gym he trains at.

I probably won't be showing my face there just yet. Not alone, anyway.

And while I have found his FaceBook page, there's not very much on there of use. Last post was around 2 months earlier. However, I now have a list of some of his friends, including one who seems to be a co-worker.

I think I've got a better chance at finding his friend.

Which is what I'm going to do.

Let you know how it goes.

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