Sometimes, Dear Reader, I wonder whether I am particularly 'special' when it comes to the quality of my prospective clients, or if my experience is typical... not just that for other PIs but also for other self-employed types out there...?
I've blogged about them before; the
timewasters or tyrekickers, who I never get any work (or money) from after exhaustive emails, phone conversations, and/or personal meetings; and the
tinfoil helmet brigade, who I could never take payment from anyway.
Because they are barking mad.
What I don't get, at the other extreme, is the sort of client like
Kelly Rutherford although, since she reputedly doesn't pay her bills, it's probably just as well. Having said that, Banach did receive around $28,000 from her - which is about 4 times the amount I billed my single most spendy client for a case.