Saturday, May 11, 2013

Psychic dead wrong. Again.

So it's all the news at the moment that 'Spiritual Teacher and Psychic' Sylvia Browne wrongly predicted that Amanda Berry was dead, back in 2004, on a US TV show.

Browne's comment in regards to the recent events?

"Only God is right all the time."

Good point, Sylvia. Well, if you can't be right ALL the time, just how many times can you be?

Apparently never.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Monday WTF Files: The man who sold the Emperor new clothes

This might seem a little out of place here, not being about investigations per se, but I think it is of general interest to those involved in the security industry.

James McCormick has been jailed for 10 years for selling his modern-day version of snake oil in the form of the contains-no-actual-working-parts ADE651 Bomb Detector (and previous models) to such tranquil and trouble-free locales as Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan,Thailand and others.

Not after raking in some £55million though.

(No) Money No Problem

I should have known better.

When a mysterious and exotic woman comes to you, whispering of riches and intrigue, you know it's never going to be that easy or go as expected.
