Friday, June 29, 2012

Bullshit Files: When Psychics Collide

It seems, Dear Reader, that we are faced with a bit of a conundrum. You see, two renowned* and world-famous* psychics have recently made very different claims regarding the fate of missing Madeleine McCann. (I have hinted previously at my thoughts on the matter.)

It's not like they can both be right, can they?

And doesn't it follow that if one is right, then the other has to be, well, full of shit?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Review of "Investigative Interviewing: The Conversation Management Approach" by Eric Shepherd

As promised, Dear Reader, for your delectation and delight, my review of Eric Shepherd's mighty tome on "Investigative Interviewing".

At 522 pages, this is no lightweight volume. And I mean that both literally and figuratively.

A week on after having received it, what are my thoughts?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Year in Review: Poll Results

No doubt, Dear Reader, you are awaiting (with breathless anticipation) the results of the poll regarding which, if any, of my 2012 New Year's resolutions I have so far achieved.

It's not like I've not had the time, right?

So, with 2012 halfway through, have I:

  • Started wearing hats?
  • Got my super awesome Stripper Girlfriend (with a Heart-of-Gold)?
  • Developed a fondness for the bottle?
  • Found my spunky, plucky, Assistant?
  • Been foiled at every turn by my new Arch Nemesis?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dear Penthouse, you'll never believe what happened to me...

I am ashamed to admit, Dear Reader, that I may have been a bad, bad, man. Some of you might even question my professionalism or ethics.

But, in my defence, there were some highly mitigating circumstances.

It all started with a phone call from Bill (not his real name). He had divorce papers to be served on his ex and had been given my number from the nice clerk at Court.

Imagine my surprise when his ex turned out to be Clarissa (not her real name either). Someone I had known quite intimately years ago...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Your support is appreciated

Hello Dear Reader.

In the interests of full disclosure, and on the advice of my friend Boyd Valentine (not his real name), I have decided to try and profit - even if in a small way - from this blog.

Or, at least, for the blog to pay its own way.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Review: 'Just the Facts: Investigative Report Writing' (4th ed.) by Michael Biggs

To be fair, I only received this book in today's post but at 133 pages (and many of those being sample forms) it's not exactly a taxing read.

My first impressions were that of slight disappointment.

While subtitled Investigative Report Writing, the book is clearly a basic primer aimed distinctly towards (American) police rather than, say, your average private or corporate investigator where chapters on Crime Reports, Arrest Reports, Writing Search Warrants clearly are going to be of limited relevance.

But don't be too hasty to write this book off just yet.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bullshit Files: The Psychic and the Mass Grave

I don't know how I missed this one but around this time last year, on a tip from a member of the public, authorities swooped down on the property of Joe Bankson and Gena Charlton in Hardin, Texas.

What were they looking for?

Dozens of dismembered bodies, including those of children. Lordy! Why won't anyone think of the children?

What did they find?

Friday, June 15, 2012

The year (so far) in review

I don't know about you, Dear Reader, but I find it hard to believe that this year is already almost half over.

You might recall my post at the end of last year regarding my resolutions for 2012.

How many of these have I successfully achieved so far? Poll is now open (multiple votes ok).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Coming up after this message from our Sponsors

Just a quick heads-up, Dear Reader, that sometime in the near(ish) future I will have a couple book reviews for you as I have ordered two investigative texts from Amazon.

Hopefully they will arrive before the end of the month.