Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hello, I'm Rene Russo

Yes, that's right.

The other day I realised that I am Rene Russo as depicted in the 1999 remake of The Thomas Crown Affair (which is, in my opinion, a superior film to the 1968 original).

Russo played Catherine Banning, an insurance investigator assisting the NYPD in solving the heist of a $100m painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

See the similarities?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Curious Case of Mr Meringue

Meet Mr Meringue (not his real name). Mr Meringue is a cantankerous older gentleman who has had a bit of a bad run with his vehicle. Namely, in that it has been stolen three times in the past four months.

Enter the detective. And that would be me.

Friday, April 06, 2012

An Indecent Proposal

Once again, Dear Reader, I have to apologise for my tardiness and otherwise remaining silent whilst you eagerly and impatiently await an update of my recent exploits.

Stay tuned, for in this exciting episode our Hapless Hero (that would be me) is propositioned by a witness in a current investigation.

 But, as it turned out, it was a case of mistaken identity...