Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Simple Plan: Keeping Track of Files

Since the last couple of posts have been vaguely on the theme of 'keeping stuff organised', I thought I'd share a quick tip that works for me in terms of keeping tabs on the active files I have at any given time.

Actually, I stole modified this idea from one of my Clients who I subcontract to. Their files all had different coloured cover sheets depending on the type of file it was, ie document service, tracing enquiry, field visit etc. I didn't notice the difference for some time as they usually emailed me a black & white scan rather than an original but sometimes I would receive files by post and wondered why the first sheets were different?

So I took it one step further.

Friday, November 23, 2012

What's in the bag?

To continue yesterday's theme, I thought I'd take a closer look as to what I routinely use during a day's work, but don't carry on my person.

As I've mentioned earlier, I have a 5.11 Tactical Wingman Patrol Bag which opens up and becomes a car-seat organiser, enabling me to work from my vehicle with all my stuff neatly stowed by my side.

Here's what's inside...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

...or are you just happy to see me?

In response to Pursuit Magazine's facebook post "Pocket litter. What's in your pockets?"

This is what I routinely carry on me. Of course I have more gear and stuff in my car-seat organiser but that's another story.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Justice Denied?

A colleague recently called me to ask for some advice (hey, it happens!) in regards to his current criminal defence investigation. This is the one regarding the murder I mentioned briefly earlier.

His first roadblock is that he has to locate, then interview, a pivotal witness who happens to be in prison. Somewhere.

And he needs to do so early this week.

Hence Problem #1: how do you locate a currently-serving inmate when robust privacy laws protect that information from the public?

Well, in this part of the world the answer is not very easily. And even when you do, getting in to see them is another problem itself.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Hit List

Well, Dear Reader, I thought I might share some of the blogs or other websites I like to peruse from time to time that relate to Private Investigators - or the investigations industry in general.

Either informative articles or just good yarns.

So, in no particular order:

PIs on TV: Vincent Gallagher

An underrated British series that only ran for two seasons, from 2005-2006 (only 4 episodes per season), and starred Ray Winstone as the titular Vincent, ex-plod-turned-PI.

Vincent certainly had his share of personal problems that frequently would get in the way of the smooth resolution of cases, and it could be said that he lacked a certain amount of discretion when it came to his ex-wife, Cathy.

For all his strengths, Vincent was a flawed man but he had a stalwart group of investigators and aides with which to work with. No man is an island, and all that!

And, of course, there was Suranne Jones as his capable and long-suffering Girl Friday, Beth...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Liberty County settles lawsuit...

 ...Angels remain conspicuously silent on matter, however.

You may recall my post earlier this year regarding the swift action undertaken by the esteemed Liberty County's Sheriff's Office after receiving a hot tip from psychic 'Angel' (who in turn had received the news directly from Sweet Baby Jesus and the 32 Angels at His side) about the mass grave under the house of Joe Bankson and Gena Charlton.

Except, of course, no bodies were subsequently found.

Well, it seems that the good news is that Liberty County has settled the lawsuit, paying Bankson and Charlton $15,000 each to make the matter disappear.

A bit like all those alleged corpses.

Now just the news corporations and, of course, psychic 'Angel' to go...